A Prisoner’s Prayer of Praise

“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!” For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been His counselor?” Romans 11:33-34. “But God hath revealed them unto to me by You, Holy Spirit. For You search all things, yea the deep things of God.” I Corinthians 2:10

The greatest mystery to me is that You who moved upon the face of the waters during creation, now moves within me. The very power that made all things, now possesses me as His temple. The One who knows all things teaches me, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. What is it that you create in me? What design and plan do You carry out, mighty hand of the potter? What worth have you found and what will I be, Spirit of Promise?

I was blind, except to my own world; yet You opened my eyes. I was a deaf to God’s word and knew not the Lord Jesus Christ. It was You who came and allowed me to hear, and understand, and know. To me it was foolishness and I could not know them, till to me You showed them. Now I know the love of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. How could I know that You loved me too? And why me, instead of one more worthy?

But You didn’t stop there: for something inside of me has come to life. Those words that Jesus spoke, You have performed in me. You brought me to repentance and then regeneration--the new birth. And not just a converted enemy; You anointed me and sealed me as one of God’s own. I have been adopted as a son, and you stand as my guarantee. You are the witness: You witness to me of truth regarding God, and Christ, and the Word, and even of forever; You witness with me that I am a child of God and that my sins are forgiven; You witness in me that I possess eternal life in Jesus Christ and because of my Savior’s work on the cross.

And still You are with me. Could I now ever live without You? I wouldn’t want to live without You. Temptation would overwhelm me. I need You to tell me of all Jesus did and open His word, so I know His strength in temptation of this flesh. I need Your help to pray and to praise. You know my heart and intentions. I know of Your constant help in my life: how I write or speak or tell others about Jesus.

I know of Your work in making me more like Jesus. Oh, all the hate and bitterness You have had to deal with, and I’m not there yet. But I know joy and peace and love and patience and kindness, and goodness and faithfulness and gentleness and self-control and all the other characteristics of God grow in me and are evident because of Your constant fellowship and work. Sanctification: You are making me holy. Impossible for me! It is a good thing for me that You are God. You love impossible; never give up; and You never lose.

I thank God for giving You. I thank Christ for sending. I thank You for coming to me, even if I don’t deserve You. Amen!

Written by Michael Pace, A student with Metanoia Prison Ministries


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